Artwork by Andrew Jones
“Clouds.” Johnny America, 3 Jan. 2025.
How do I express this?
The thought comes wordlessly to Bruno as he sits facing the sky beyond the boxy, utilitarian cruise ship docked at Osanbashi Pier. The clouds have caught him again.
“They’re Stupid.” Free Flash Fiction, 5 Nov. 2024.
Bruno Flanagan, Associate Professor of English, returns from the men’s room, walks to the bar, and orders a second pint of amber ale.
“The Trestle.” Free Flash Fiction, 22 Oct. 2024.
There was a trestle at the eastern edge of town, part of a stretch of the Delaware & Hudson Railway. It crossed above the Batten Kill, a tributary of the Hudson.
“Voices.” Johnny America, 18 Oct. 2024.
We decided to make a ghost recording in the woods. It was my idea, though we all agreed to it.
“The Club After Hours.” Johnny America, 30 Aug. 2024.
I open my eyes, and for a brief eternity all that exists is a black expanse speckled with small circles of light.
“A Culinary Tragedy.” (Microfiction.) ScribesMICRO, 29 Jul. 2024.
He was an accountant, having earned his degree and license only six weeks prior to the incident which would end his promising future.
“A Spirited Conversation.” (Based upon The Spirit Phone.) Suspense Magazine, Summer 2020 and The Stray Branch, Fall / Winter 2021.
The spirit phone has arrived by special delivery: a revolutionary device for communication with those who reside beyond the veil. Sold exclusively by the Edison Manufacturing Company. Patent pending.
“Morning in Shinoyama Park.” Flash Fiction Magazine, 27 Oct. 2020.
Falling down drunk in the street. It’s a cliché, isn’t it? But that’s what S. did two nights ago, out near the station’s west exit, soon after our departure from Yokohama’s oldest and finest English pub, one of the only two places nearby where I can get a pint of Kilkenny on tap.
“Under the Stairs.” Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast, 30 May 2019.
I can’t help it. The thing in the park keeps calling me, and I have to look under the stairs. I know, it’s irrational. But don’t we all have little quirks we share with no one? I’m sharing this one with you, whoever you are. So don’t judge.
“The Entropy Room.” Ragazine, 1 May 2018.
It occurred to Yugo, as he sat in his kitchen drinking coffee, that it had been almost three years to the day since he’d been pushed off the train platform. With a skill born of habit and necessity, he banished the thought from his mind as if it had never existed.